Harpenden North & Rural
Welcome to the Harpenden North & Rural ward page. The ward includes Kinsbourne Green, Roundwood area and Westfield Road area.

Ayesha Rohale (District Councillor)
Email: harpenden.nr@stalbanslibdems.org.uk
Phone: 07742108849
Ayesha Rohale is a lawyer who through her professional and political work is committed to helping people to achieve justice. She has also volunteered with charities such as AGE UK, and the McIntrye charity that supports children with autism. A parent of two children, she takes a keen interest in access to education. Before being election in 2022, Ayesha was a councillor in Panshanger, working hard to represent local people and secure better decision-making on housing, planning, parking, road safety and education matters.

Allison Wren (District Councillor)
Email: harpenden.nr@stalbanslibdems.org.uk
Phone: 07845 595118
Allison Wren was elected a district councillor in May 2021. Her priorities for Harpenden are to create more affordable housing; invest in road safety, especially around schools to enhance walking and cycling; attack the scourges of graffiti, litter and fly-tipping, and increase the leisure opportunities for young people. She believes that Harpenden Station car park needs a rethink and that a Park and Ride scheme should be considered. Allison wants to make the everyday lives of those who live and work here better.

Ed Moore (District Councillor)
Email: harpenden.nr@stalbanslibdems.org.uk
Phone: 07714 242017
Ed Moore has lived in the Harpenden North ward since 1997. Having now raised three children through the local Wood End and Roundwood schools he is keen to see other families benefit from the warm and friendly community. Enjoying the benefits of superb travel links, easy access to a vibrant town centre and open countryside the ward has much to be thankful for and to protect. From nurturing our green spaces, to curbing anti-social behaviour Ed is looking to ensure our council is responsive to residents' needs.

Paul De Kort (County Councillor)
Email: harpendeneast@stalbanslibdems.org.uk
Phone: 01582 768642
Paul de Kort has lived in Harpenden for 28 years, raised his children here, and was a long-standing Head of Sixth Form a local state school. His primary goal is to work for an effective integrated local plan that includes education, the local economy and sustainable transport. He works to ensure that the council speaks for - and listens to - all of the diverse interests that make up the town of Harpenden.