Welcome to the Batchwood ward page. The Ward ward includes north-west of St Albans and New Greens.

Lynn Cunningham (District Councillor)
Lynn Cunningham has lived in Batchwood for 19 years, and mostly enjoys its beautiful natural spaces with her dog, and the wonderful local facilities it has to offer. These green spaces are areas that Lynn has fought to protect as a local councillor – from planting more trees to fighting inappropriate development.

Jenni Murray (District Councillor)
Phone: 07792 186853
District Councillor Jenni Murray was born in St Albans and lives here with her family. She went to Garden Fields and Townsend School. Jenni regularly fundraises for Prostate UK. She has been working in Hertfordshire schools for over 20 years, currently as a Student Support Officer.
Jenni is a trustee of Dorant House, a member of St Albans Faith & Cultural Enterprise (FACE) and Volunteer Counsellor for Cruse Bereavement Care.
She is community driven and has supported residents in the ward by challenging HCC on flooding. She has also supported residents with housing and personal issues and, replacement road signs and has campaigned against idling car engines outside local schools.
To help keep Batchwood a pleasant place to live, she is tackling vehicle damage to verges and trees and taking action on vandalism to bus shelters which spoils the local environment.

Sinéad Howland (District Councillor)
Sinéad Howland is a determined district councillor with strong community values. Her priority is to continue to work closely with community groups to improve and protect parks and green spaces. Sinéad plans to continue to find ways to improve the area for families, while taking care of the natural wildlife. She lives in the area with her husband and two children and can often be found out running in the Batchwood woods or walking her dog in the local parks.

Helen Campbell (County Councillor)
Phone: 07743 338195
County councillor Helen Campbell has lived in St Albans for 20 years. She is married to Neil and they have two children now both at university. Alongside her growing council roles, she is self-employed as a journalist and writer, trained as an English teacher and volunteers extensively in the community, particularly with homeless people. She works closely with community groups to safeguard green spaces, and additionally focuses on vulnerable people, road safety and the environment.