Harpenden East

Welcome to the Harpenden East ward page. Harpenden East ward includes Batford area, Crabtree Lane and Sauncey Avenue.

Photo of Paul de Kort

Vote for your local Lib Dem candidate Paul de Kort on the 2 of May!

Paul de Kort and the Lib Dems have shown Harpenden the difference a hardworking local team can make. Paul de Kort has lived in Harpenden for 28 years, raised his children here, and was a long-standing Head of Sixth Form for a local state school. 
As your local councillor, Paul has been working tirelessly on drafting an effective, fully-integrated Local Plan that takes into account our education services, the local economy, and sustainable transport. He works to ensure that the council speaks for - and listens to - all of the diverse interests that make up the town of Harpenden.
On Thursday 2nd May, use your vote to re-elect local Lib Dem Paul De Kort, and keep Harpenden moving forward.

Pip Liver (District Councillor)

Email: harpendeneast@stalbanslibdems.org.uk

Phone: TBC

Pip Liver 

Dason Canning (District Councillor)

Email: harpendeneast@stalbanslibdems.org.uk

Phone: TBC

Dason Canning has lived in Harpenden for more than ten years. He  volunteers locally to protect the green belt, environmental resources and to prevent fly-tipping and is acutely aware of the many issues facing the local community. Dason studied economics and then Town Planning, and draws on his extensive experience of working around the world to offer sustainable and innovative ideas for the town‘s future development. He is committed to preserving  Harpenden‘s unique character as one of the best places to live.