Local Lib Dem Councillor asks for a typical school dinner to be served to Herts County Councillors

Lib Dem County Councillor, and District Councillor for Sopwell and Verulam, Sandy Walkington has asked for a typical school dinner to be served to councillors at the next full meeting of Hertfordshire County Council.
With school meals once again in the spotlight, LibDem councillor Sandy Walkington has asked for a typical school dinner to be served to county councillors at the next full meeting of Hertfordshire County Council. Council Chairman, Terry Douris, has agreed to investigate the suggestion.
Sandy says: "Given the recent furore over the Southampton head apologising to parents for his school’s meals, I think Hertfordshire councillors have the responsibility to taste what we are serving in our own schools.
"We have seen the headlines from other parts of the country about the poor nutritional quality of school meals, I think it's important for us to get a 'health check' on how our own children are being fed.
"And what better way than to put our money where our mouths are, by all councillors sitting down together to eat a typical Hertfordshire school lunch.
"I hope this will provide us with reassurance alongside being a really useful exercise in practical scrutiny and part of our job as corporate parents. I cannot wait to see what we will be served."